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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

President's Day

Yesterday (Monday February 15) was president's day. I hope you all took time to remember our great USA presidents. Here are some of my favorite presidents.

George Washington (1732-1799) born in Pope's Creek, Virginia. Federalist: Our first president (1789-1797). Before he became president, he was a General, who led the American troops against the British to get our independance.

Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) born in Hardin, Kentucky. Republican: Was our 16th president (1861-1865). Led America through the civil war (1861-1865). Assassinated in Ford`s Theater in Washington D.C. , Maryland by John Wilkes Booth with a 44. (Caliber) Delinger Pistol.

Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885) born in Point Pleasant, Ohio. Republican. Our 18th President (1869-1877). Was General-In-Chief of the Union Army in the American Civil War (1861-1865).

Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) born in Staunton, Virginia. Democrat: Was our 28th President (1913-1921). Led America through World war 1 (1914-1918).

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) born in Hyde Park, New York. Democrat. Our 32th President (1933-1945). Led us through World War 2. Died in office. Started the Manhattan Project (atomic bomb research).

Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) born in Lamar, Missouri. Democrat. Our 33rd president (1945-1953). Led America through the last year of World War 2 (1945). Gave the green light to launch the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Truman had no middle name, just an S.

Dwight David (Ike) Eisenhower (1890-1969 born in Denison, Texas. Republican. Our 34th President (1953-1961). The supreme commander of the allies (USA, and Britain) in World War 2 (1939-1945). He was the best General ever.

John Fitzegerald (Jack) Kennedy (1917-1963. born in Brookline, Massachusets. Democrat. Our 35th president (1961-1963). Was assassinated in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald with an old Bolt-Action Italian sniper rifle. Was the only Roman Catholic President.

George Walker Bush (1946-) born in New Haven, Conneticut. Republican. Our 42th President. He started the war in Iraq. Made oil prices so low. Showed everyone not to fuck with America. Was unquestionably the greatest American President of all!

Barack Hussein Obama (1961-) born in Honolulu, Hawaii. Democrat. Our 43rd and current president. First black president of the USA. Is the one who is trying to pass a health care bill.


  1. Very Patriotic. Glad there are still patriots who remember this holiday.

  2. I know. Glad to see a fellow American viewing my blog.

  3. America already passed a health care bill. They passed it this week. Now America is a better place.

  4. True Dat. Now I bet everyone will come to America. And no one can dis America anymore by saying Canada's better "because we have helathcare and you don't" well guess what we do now and so think of another joke if you're smart enough.
